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Ulva lactuca is a type of flat green algae of the family Ulvaceae found worldwide. It is considered one of the most usable seaweeds, with applications that include its use in food, agriculture, pharmacology and medicine.
U. lactuca's common name is sea lettuce (because of its appearance). In Asia, it is also called Aosa or Aonori. It is bright green in colour, with lobed, ruffle-edged leaves that resemble a leaf of lettuce leaves, but that can grow to 50 centimetres in length.
Ulva Lactuca seaweed can be used as a good source of fertilizer production and feeds the animal ( abalone, cow, sheep, goat,...). Ulva Lactuca is a grown-up native in the sea of Central Vietnam. It has a lot of natural minerals, carbohydrates, Protein, Calcium, Iodine, vitamins, etc.
***** The basic process of ulva Lactuca:
Fresh ulva lactuca -> Dried under the sunshine -> Cleaned impurity up -> Milled -> packing product.
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